January 26, 2023

5 Years at TransferMate - Interview with Stephanie Kelly

At CluneTech, we have an extensive Milestone Recognition Program that rewards employees that choose to build a long and successful career with us. As part of this programme, we love celebrating and sharing the stories of those reaching major milestones with the company.

This month we caught up with TransferMate's Stephanie Kelly, Controls Analyst who has been on our team for the last 5 years.

What is your favourite thing about working in CluneTech / TransferMate?

From a day-to-day aspect I love the fact that no day is the same. Some tasks are set in stone so you know they need to be done, but mostly, my days vary depending on what queries or requests come in so each day is different. I can confirm that even after 5 years, every day is still a school day. Then in a more general sense, having worked in this industry for quite some time now I can really appreciate all the benefits CluneTech has for us employees. The Great Place to Work Team play an absolute blinder and for me, it’s the likes of the Milestone Recognition Program, the life workdays, the Toy Show Boxes etc. that really make TransferMate a great team to be apart of.


What has been your biggest achievement or highlight since joining CluneTech / TransferMate?

I would say my biggest highlight and/or achievement was moving departments relatively seamlessly. I started in TransferMate in Treasury back in 2018. I learned loads, met great people, built good, solid business relationships and saw the company (and no. of payments!) grow massively! In late 2021 I moved roles to what is now the Operational Control Team. The move went so well. Everything I learned in Treasury has stood to me in my new role. The guys in Ops Control were so welcoming and I was able to hit the ground running. I am still learning so much, our team is growing and so are our tasks. Each day brings something new so it keeps me on my toes and it’s been really good to see a different side of things.

What is the biggest change that you have witnessed in your time here?

100% working from home! I happened to be on maternity leave when Covid-19 started and I remember being at home thinking how on earth were the guys going to manage it. When I came back from maternity leave I was pleasantly surprised at how smoothly the whole process was running, it was amazing really!

What is the greatest challenge that you have faced in your time here and how did you overcome it?

Honestly it’s probably the volume of work that can feel challenging at times – be that the number of payments or the number of requests and queries. But luckily I think I’m one of those people that works best under pressure. I make my list, put my head down and get through what I can as efficiently as possible, but I don’t rush it – do it once and do it right! Communication is key and I will always keep my team and managers in the loop if there’s a lot going on. That way, we can make a plan together to get things done.

What has been your favourite task or project to work on?

My favourite task has been looking after the bank access requests that come in. I actually meet a lot of new people doing this. I'm also always happy to hop on a call with new starters to give them some assistance and to welcome them to TransferMate in general.

Do you have advice for someone who is just starting their career in CluneTech / TransferMate?

Ask all the questions! There are no questions too big or too small and there is always something for someone to learn.


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